The objective of rehabilitation is to cure a patient completely. However, exact goals vary for each person. For instance, someone with a problem in their lungs might get pulmonary rehabilitation so that their breathing becomes better. On the other hand, someone with a spine injury may need physical therapy and rehab to help restrict more damage from happening to their backs.
Astra Rehabilitation Hospital is a specialized rehabilitation setup for paediatric and adult neurological and orthopaedic related difficulties. The Rehabilitation setup is one of a kind in Bangalore city with a dedicated 3000sq.ft state-of-the-art rehabilitation facility catering to both adult and paediatric needs.
We are a Holistic Treatment Centre for Physical and Mental Ailments through Physiotherapy, Neuro Rehabilitation, Counselling, Yoga and Personal Care.
Our Mission is to provide a responsive healing environment for our patients and improve their quality of life. We aspire to serve the needy with the state-of-art rehabilitation under one roof.
Our Vision is to be the hospital of choice for patients, physicians and employees through our quality patient care and awareness programs. We aim to provide rehabilitation for all age groups catering to the needs of the community.
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Why Choose Us?
We aspire to set International Standards in the field of rehabilitation by providing individual approach to obtain optimal health of the patients and bring them back to optimal quality of life.
Astra’s skilled physiotherapists excel in providing allied health services to treat conditions like pain in the back, knee, shoulder and neck, paralysis, muscular and sports injuries. They have abundant experience in using proven tools and methodologies and helped patients recover faster from complex conditions like paralytic strokes, chronic pulmonary conditions, geriatric and paediatric care and post-operative care.
We have brought smiles on the faces of many individuals with our skilful physiotherapists doing their job to perfection.
Our Approaches
- Mobilization techniques
– Maitland concept
– Mulligan concept
– McKenzie Method
– Cyriax - Neural Mobilization concept
- Myofascial release techniques
- Muscle Energy Technique
- Positional Release Technique
- Positional Release Technique
- Neuro developmental Therapy
- Motor Relearning programme
- Proprioceptive Neuromuscular
Facilitation - Roods approach
- Sensory Integration
- Brunnstrom Movement Therapy
If Doctors save lives, then a Physiotherapist
makes it worth living
Neurological Rehabilitation
Neurological rehabilitation is designed to help treat patients with nervous system or neurological diseases. Rehabilitation aims to increase function, reduce debilitating symptoms, and improve a patient’s quality of life. The types of rehabilitation treatments recommended depend on the areas of the body affected by the neurological conditions. Neurological conditions are those affecting the brain, spinal cord and nerves. Neurological physiotherapy is the assessment, treatment, and management of people with neurological disorders. We help treat people with the following conditions:
- Cerebral Palsy
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Spina Bifida
- Cerebrovascular accident / stroke
- Spinal cord injury
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Traumatic brain Injury
- Peripheral nerves injuries
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Motor Neuron Disease
- Bell’s palsy
- Facial Palsy & More
Orthopaedic Rehabilitation
Your healthcare provider may suggest orthopaedic rehabilitation as part of your recovery program after surgery, illness, or an acute medical event. Orthopaedic rehabilitation is a therapeutic approach to recovery, the purpose of which is to correct musculoskeletal limitations and alleviate pain from trauma, illness, or surgery. The musculoskeletal system consists of muscles, bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, cartilage so that orthopaedic rehab can address any of those structures. Orthopaedic injuries & conditions that we treat include:
- Spondylosis
- Tendinitis
- Bursitis
- Slipped disc
- Arthritis
- Frozen shoulder
- Spondylitis
- Spondylolisthesis
- Ligament/meniscus injury
- Muscle pain/sprain
- Plantar fasciitis
- Postural deformities
- Fracture rehabilitation
- Post orthopaedic surgical rehabilitation & More
While re-establishing your ability to perform your favorite activities might be your top goal, orthopaedic rehabilitation also offers many additional advantages:
- Promotes circulation limiting your blood clot risk
- Reduces pain and the need for pain medication
- Prevent further injury and fall risk
Sports Rehabilitation
Sports injuries occur during exercise or while participating in a sport under variety of circumstances. Some injuries are inevitable, depending on the sport. How these injuries are handled will determine how fast you recover and the likelihood of re-injuring. These injuries include contusions, sprains, shin splints, micro-fractures, dislocations, and inflammations.
We assess, diagnose and treat the following conditions to help you to return back on the field:
- Sprains
- Strains
- Knee ligament injuries
- Meniscus Injury
- Achilles tendon rupture
- Dislocations
- Tennis elbow
- Rotator cuff injury
- Fractures & More
Paediatric Rehabilitation
Paediatric rehabilitation aims to maximise the ability of a child to participate in activities at home, school and the community. We assess the child’s abilities through various assessment strategies and understand the presenting needs and treat them with the updated neurological rehabilitation approaches.
Our Pediatric Rehabilitation services include comprehensive assessment and management of the underlying pathology by a multidisciplinary team of professionals. Our multidisciplinary team includes Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy, Speech therapy, Psychology and Special Education. Some of the paediatric conditions we treat are:
- Down’s syndrome
- Autism
- Cerebral Palsy
- Developmental delay
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) & More
Geriatric Rehabilitation

- Osteoporosis
- Arthritis
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Stroke
- Cancer
- Balance and co-ordination disorders
- Joint pain
- Faecal and Urinary incontinence
- Risk of fall
- Parkinson’s Disease & More
Home Services
Astra Physiotherapy can provide you the best home care physiotherapy and rehabilitation services in Bangalore. We address all your physiotherapy needs with a qualified physiotherapist to visit you in your home as per your convenience.
Ask yourself these questions
- Does road traffic and travelling worsen your pain?
- Does your office timing not allow visiting physiotherapy centre?
- Does your weakness, deformities and paralysis make transfer from home to hospital difficult?
- Do you have fear of hospital infection or fear related to hospital atmosphere?
- Are you aged? Has to depend on someone’s help to visit physiotherapy centre every day?
If your answer is YES to a few questions, home services are your best option. We treat patients in the comfort of their homes. We assess, diagnose, and develop a treatment plan which varies depending on the patient’s needs. A physiotherapy session is usually of an hour, depending on the criticality of the problem.
We provide you the evidence based physiotherapy practise at home with maximum tools and expertise such as exercise therapy, ultrasound therapy, Interferential Current Therapy, Electrical stimulation, TENS, Continuous Passive Mobilize (CPM) machine Cryotherapy and Thermotherapy and many more.
Our physiotherapist will help you in reducing pain, improving strength, balance, coordination and movement aims to maximize your ability to participate in everyday activities, prevent complications, and promote you good health and avoiding hospitalization or admission to long-term care institutions.
Physiotherapy is a health care profession that aims to develop, maintain and restore maximum functional ability throughout life. It helps in restoring normal body function and preventing disability arising from disease, trauma or injury. Physiotherapists utilize an individual’s history and physical examination to diagnose and establish a management plan, and when necessary, incorporate the results of laboratory and imaging studies.
Physical therapy has many specialties including cardiopulmonary, geriatrics, neurological, sports, manual, orthopaedic and paediatrics to name some of the more common areas.
Advance Physiotherapy Techniques offered by us are:
- Dry needling technique
- Kinesio Taping
- Rigid Taping
- Cupping Therapy
- Advanced Core stabilization
- Comprehensive rehabilitation for neurological problems & More
Post-Operative Rehabilitation

- Total knee Replacement (TKR)
- Total Hip Replacement (THR)
- Hip Arthoplasty
- ACL/PCL reconstruction surgery
- Meniscal repair surgery
- Rotator cuff repair
- Surgical Fixation of Fractures
- Tendon repair surgery
- Craniotomy
- Laminectomy
- Discectomy
- Spinal Fusion/Stabilization.
- Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery
- Thoracotomy & More
Respiratory Rehabilitation
If you, or a loved one suffers with a chronic lung disease, like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or pulmonary fibrosis, there is hope for rebuilding strength and enjoying a more full and active life through pulmonary rehabilitation. We provide best Respiratory Physiotherapy to the patients with respiratory problems.
- Our main aim is to:
- Reduce breathlessness and the work of breathing
- Maintain or improve exercise tolerance
- Maintain and improve physical activity, coaching patients toward improving healthy behaviour
- Improve functional abilities (i.e. carrying out daily tasks)
- Mobilise and aid the expectoration of secretion (coughing up of mucus)
- Improve the efficiency of ventilation
- Reduce thoracic pain
- Improve knowledge and understanding
- Common types of respiratory problems that we treat include:
- COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
- Bronchiectasis
- Cystic fibrosis & More
Electrotherapy includes a range of treatments using electricity to reduce pain, improve circulation, repair tissues, strengthen muscles, and promote bone growth, leading to improvements in physical functioning.
A number of newer electrotherapy devices bypass the wires, combining electrodes and battery power into a single unit that can be worn inconspicuously on the back, arm, leg, or elsewhere during work or other daily activities. A hand-held controller is used to adjust the level of stimulation. The various approaches in Electrotherapy include:
- Interferential Therapy (IFT)
- Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation
- Neuromuscular stimulation, Galvanic/Faradic
- Shortwave Diathermy
- Cervical/ Lumbar Traction
- Paraffin Wax bath
- Ultrasound Therapy (UST)
- Cryotherapy
- Moist heat pack & More
Ergonomics is the process in which workplaces, products and systems are designed or rearranged so that they fit the people who use them. It aims to improve workspaces and environments to reduce the risk of injury.
Physiotherapists help to reduce risk factors by analyzing the posture and movements during work either in a job, home or any clinical setups. They evaluate a person’s capacity to perform work through functional abilities evaluation (FAE) or functional capacity evaluation (FCE), it compares health status, function and structure to demand of job. FCE used to measure the strength, postural imbalance, fatigue level and range of motion. The various exercise modalities we offer are:
- Swiss Ball
- Parallel bar
- Tilt table
- Quadriceps table
- Dumbbells/weight cuffs
- Therabands/ Thera tubes
- Overhead Pulley
- Finger ladder
- Shoulder wheeler
- Hand and finger exerciser & More
Oncology Rehabilitation
Advances in treatment techniques have been associated with increases in cancer patient survival rates and the numbers of long-term cancer survivors have been rising. Nevertheless, many cancer patients experience impairments in everyday living as a result of adverse effects or sequelae associated with treatment or as they reach the end stage of their disease. Rehabilitation plays a role as one approach to maintaining and improving the quality of life of such cancer patients.
We can help you design an individualized exercise program that combines range-of-motion training with light resistance exercises. These therapeutic exercises aim to reduce fatigue and improve physical function, safety and well-being.